Salt reduction in a meat emulsion type product


  • Octavio Venegas-Fornias Research Institute for the Food Industry. Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.
  • Dany Perez-Dube Research Institute for the Food Industry. Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.
  • Margarita Nuñez de Villavicencio Research Institute for the Food Industry. Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.
  • Juan González-Ríos Research Institute for the Food Industry. Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.


salt, sodium, meat emulsion, sensory evaluation, `


This work intends to achieve a reduction of salt in a meat emulsion type product without reduction of its quality. Several mortadela lots were elaborated with different quantities of salt between 1-2.2 %. It was determined the meat emulsion stability of the batter and in the finished product the pH and the contents of humidity, chloride and nitrite. Also, the sodium content was calculated according with the quantities of the added ingredients. Moreover, the instrumental profile of texture, mesophilic aerobic microorganisms counts, coliforms, staphylococcus and the test of salmonella detection were determined. It was carried out a sensorial evaluation of several attributes of quality. For each response, the regression models, their significance and their adjusted grade as predictive models were calculated. The numeric optimization of the variants of the products was made with the equations of the flavor and meat emulsion stability. It was obtained a mortadela with a reduced content of salt and satisfactory quality characteristics until a limit of 1.35 % of salt addition.
Keywords: salt, sodium, meat emulsion, sensory evaluation.

Author Biography

  • Octavio Venegas-Fornias, Research Institute for the Food Industry. Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.

    Assistant Researcher, Bureau of Meat, IIIA. License in Food (University of Havana, 1973) and M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology (University of Havana, 1998). It investigates issues related to the science and technology of meat and meat products.


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How to Cite

Salt reduction in a meat emulsion type product. (2014). Ciencia Y Tecnología De Alimentos, 24(3), 25-31.

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