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Author Guidelines

Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is a scientific journal in which theoretical and practical papers results are presented on the topics of Food Science and Technology, and the original research results are presented in a clear and concise manner, with due scientific rigor.

Declaration on submission

  1. Presentation of the originals

1.1. Online submissions

The article will be sent to the Editorial Committee in digital version, in Word format. Authors at home and abroad must direct their work to

1.2. Language and style

The research papers will have a maximum extension of 10 pages, including tables and figures. The bibliographic reviews 15 pages.

On the first page of the document should appear:

Title: It will be written in uppercase and lowercase and contain as few words as possible. It will be written in Spanish and English. It must be concise, but informative.

The full name of each author followed by the first surname (if you want the two surnames to appear, separate them by a hyphen, for example Gonzalez-Ruiz. Highlight the author name for correspondence with an asterisk).

Affiliation of authors: The institution or center to which each author belongs, with his or her address. When they are different affiliations, point to consecutive numerical superscripts in the same order as the authors, using superscripts (1, 2, 3).

E-mail of the author for correspondence.

Review of the main author: Brief review of updated author with the following elements: in what is graduated, place and year, other complementary studies such as master's or doctorate, main lines of research and some other element that he considers relevant.

The second page of the document will begin with the Title in English and Spanish, followed by: Abstract in Spanish, Abstract in English, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Conclusions, Bibliographic References.

Page format and settings: Margins: 2.5 cm. Paper size: Letter. Times New Roman font, with a line spacing of 1.5 and a typographical score of 12 to a single column, justified, without indentation, number the pages in the upper-right corner. Title, subtitles and bold headings.

Essay: The text will conform to the established, adapting appropriately to the subject and avoiding excessive extension. It should be presented in the following order: Title in Spanish, abstract in Spanish, title in English, abstract in English, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (if necessary) and references.

Abstract: The research papers and reviews will contain a summary that will be an extension of the document, should indicate the main objectives and scope of the research, describe the methods used and summarize the results. To state the main conclusions of the work. Avoid abbreviations and references, it is written in a single paragraph and written in the Past. The maximum length will be 150 words. The English summary will have the same content as the Spanish summary.

At the end of the summary, the keywords (from 3 to 5), in Spanish and English, will be written in order of priority, will describe the content of the article and facilitate its inclusion in indexes. They can be combined words or short phrases, all are lowercase.

The works shall consist, according to their requirements or subject matter, of:

1)Introduction. First, clearly state the nature and scope of the problem investigated; review relevant publications to guide the reader; indicate the method of investigation; and, if deemed necessary, explain the reasons for choosing a particular method.

2)Materials and Methods. All kinds of details should be given about the design of the research, including background and limitations. Most of this section should be written in the past. The main purpose is to describe (and, if necessary, defend) the experimental design, and then give sufficient details so that a competent researcher can repeat the experiments. With regard to materials, the technical specifications and exact quantities, as well as the origin or method of preparation, must be included.

3)Results and Discussion. It is the logical presentation of the results that demonstrate the true contribution of the work, with a detail that justifies the conclusions. Use tables and figures for explanation. The results should be written in the past, in a short and simple way. It should be the shortest section, avoid redundancy.

4)Conclusions. Write your conclusions as clearly and concisely as possible. They must be consistent with the objectives of the work.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: They will precede their full name the first time they appear in the text.

To write symbols (when necessary) and mathematical expressions, you must use an equation editor that is compatible with Microsoft Word.

5)Bibliographic references. The references contained in the text should be numbered consecutively according to their insertion into the text. References in parentheses such as (1), (2), etc.

Vancouver style will be used. Access to the Vancouver Standards in English at:

1.3. Illustrations, figures and micrographs

The figures will be placed at the end of the written document. When a figure is made up of two or more related illustrations or micrographs, so that all illustrations correspond to the same figure number, the figure is (a), (b), (c), by inserting the corresponding letter into the figure.

1.4. Table

The tables will be placed at the end of the written document. They must bear a heading and must be intelligible without having to go to the text. The tables shall not show any weft and the horizontal and vertical divisions of the data shall be limited to those necessary for their compression.

1.5. Unit

All results will be reported in units of the International System of Units or permitted by it. If you want to add the traditional units, they will be written in parentheses. Example: glycemia: 5.55 mmol/L (100 mg/100 mL). As an exception, temperatures will be expressed in degrees Celsius and long times in hours.

1.6. Return of originals

If the publication of a work is expressly rejected, the material submitted to the Journal will be returned.

2. Copyright

By submitting a work, the authors agree that their rights to it will be transferred to the journal, provided that the said work is accepted for publication. These copyrights cover the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article on any media and translations thereof.

The authors must accept that the journal assumes as its own the principles of open access, which is why it is published not for profit, with the sole objective of contributing to scientific development. The published originals are the property of the journal Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, and it is necessary to cite the origin in any partial or total reproduction.

Article Selection and Arbitration Method

The papers submitted for publication must be original and unpublished and have not been published in any other medium; the criteria for selecting the articles will be conditioned by the quality of the articles and will be subject to a peer review process. The selection process begins with the submission of the work by the author (s). The articles are initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee to check if they comply with the Editorial Standards and if they correspond to the originality and level required for the journal, then go to the arbitration process.

In the process of revising the articles the system of peer arbitration is applied, where two high-level arbitrators intervene confidentially and anonymously, double blind peer review system is used to ensure high quality of manuscripts accepted for publication. This implies that the document received by the arbitrators does not possess the name or any other information of the authors; neither will they know the identity of the referees. In case of discrepancy between the reports of both arbitrators, a third party shall be used.

Each arbitrator will issue a report on the appropriateness or not of its publication, this report will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Committee for the publication or not of the article. Arbitrators may recommend to the Editorial Committee that the article be:

- Accepted.
- Accepted with modifications. The author has a period of 15 days to send a new version with the proposed corrections, after that term, if the new version has not been received, the Editorial Committee will consider the article rejected.
- Rejected.

Essential aspects for the acceptance of the work presented:

(1) Correspondence with the themes of the journal, (2) originality, novelty or validity of the work proposed, (3) quality of the study and drafting of the state of the art, (4) quality of the content of the work, (5) quality of the exhibition in its structure and writing, (6) actuality and importance of bibliographic references, and (7) compliance with drafting rules.

The fundamental reasons for rejecting a job will be:

(1) Outside the scope of the Journal, (2) not within the priority subject of the journal, (3) makes no contribution to the advancement of food science and/or food technology, (4) lacks scientific and technical merit, (5) not innovative, lacks novelty or any new information, (6) closely duplicates research previously published by the author (e.g., just changing the source or species), (7) reports only routine work (lacks novelty), (8) poorly written or lacks clarity in English usage and grammar.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • I declare that the manuscript has been read and approved in its entirety by the co-authors and authorship is properly established.
  • The work is unpublished or it is under Creative-Commons License.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Directrices del autor/a, that appear in About the Journal.
  • Papers have been made in Word format, letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), Times New Roman Font, 1.5 spacing and using a 12-point font, to a single column, justified, without indentation. The maximum extension of 10 quartillas, including tables and figures. The bibliographic reviews 15 quartillas.

Original articles

In this section are located the research articles, where they communicate, for the first time, the results of an original investigation conducted by the authors. Its structure is divided into Abstract (Spanish and English), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. For details of its structure, review the Authors Guide.


Bibliographic reviews

The bibliographic review is the report about the content and characteristics of a book or any publication. There are two types of bibliographic review: informative and critical. Information provides information about the content of a publication it requires a superficial and general reading. Criticism evaluates the content of the publication and requires careful and analytical reading.

Their structure does not include Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth therein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes. 

Published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.