About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal under the Creative Commos License.

Object of study: Everything concerning food science and technology. It publishes articles of scientific and technological information concerning the branches of the food industry: Meat, milk, beverages, cereals and millers, fruits and vegetables. It also includes topics such as nutrition, chemistry, toxicology, biochemistry and packaging, among others.

Mission: To disseminate scientific results on food science and technology from national and international institutions and thus contribute to the visibility of this sector of science in Cuba and other countries, mainly from Hispanoamerica and Spain.

Public: Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is aimed especially at the academic and scientific community, national and international.

About the journal

The journal Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is a quarterly publication of the Research Institute for the Food Industry, belonging to the Ministry of the Food Industry (MINAL). It publishes articles of scientific and technological information concerning the branches of the food industry: meat, milk, beverages, cereals and millers, fruits and vegetables. Includes topics on nutrition, chemistry, toxicology, biochemistry, packaging, preservation, among others.

Publication Frequency: Four-monthly

Publication periods: Issue 1 January-April

                                   Issue 2  May-August

                                   Issue 3  September-December

Electronic format: PDF

It supports manuscripts in Spanish in the form of original articles and bibliographic reviews.

Edited and Distributed by the Center for Documentation and Scientific-Technical Information of the Research Institute for the Food Industry.

Postal address: Road al Guatao km 3 ½ , CP 17100, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba.

E-mail: revcitecal@iiia.edu.cu

Tel. 72793919

It is certified by CITMA as a Scientific-Technological serial publication with code 0773308.


Registered in the National Register of Serialized Publications with No. 2089, Folio 097, Volume III.

Printed version ISSN 0864-4497

Electronic version ISSN 1816-7721


Scientific journal founded in June 1986 with one volume per year and three issues per volume. Since 2004 it has a four-monthly periodicity and is published by the Research Institute for the Food Industry, which belongs to the Ministry of the Food Industry of the Republic of Cuba. The main purpose of the journal is to publish in its pages original articles results of relevant research carried out in the institute and other related institutions, presented in a clear and concise way, with due scientific rigor. It has a Drafting and Arbitration Council composed of specialists of recognized prestige from different national and international institutions.

Peer Review

The process begins with the submission of the work by the author or authors in electronic version.

Articles sent to Food Science and Technology for publication are initially evaluated by the Vice President and the Editorial Committee to check whether they comply with the Editorial Standards and correspond to the originality and level required for the journal, then proceed to the arbitration process.

The journal has established the policy of external peer review, characterized by being impartial: the evaluation is carried out by peers and double-blind. Two high-level arbitrators intervene confidentially and anonymously, double blind, this implies that the document they receive does not have the name or any other information of the authors; neither will they know the identity of the referees. The editor and arbitrators shall have particular attention to the compliance of the arbitration process with the norm.

Arbitrators may recommend to the Editorial Committee that the article be:

- Accepted.
- Accepted with modifications. The author has a period of 15 days to send a new version with the proposed corrections, after that term, if the new version has not been received, the Editorial Committee will consider the article rejected.
- Rejected.

Essential aspects for the acceptance of the work presented:

(1) Correspondence with the themes of the journal, (2) originality, novelty or validity of the work proposed, (3) quality of the study and drafting of the state of the art, (4) quality of the content of the work, (5) quality of the exhibition in its structure and writing, (6) actuality and importance of bibliographic references, and (7) compliance with drafting rules.

The fundamental reasons for rejecting a job will be:

(1) Outside the scope of the Journal, (2) not within the priority subject of the journal, (3) makes no contribution to the advancement of food science and/or food technology, (4) lacks scientific and technical merit, (5) not innovative, lacks novelty or any new information, (6) closely duplicates research previously published by the author (e.g., just changing the source or species), (7) reports only routine work (lacks novelty), (8) poorly written or lacks clarity in English usage and grammar.

Once the editor-editor has the result of the arbitration in his hands the opinion is sent to the author with the general recommendations, suggestions or comments. The author makes the arrangements or rewrites the work and forwards it. Finally, it is sent back to the referees for approval or not, and that is when it is decided to accept the job for publication.

The Editorial Committee will accept or reject the originals according to the recommendations of the arbitrators, their scientific quality and suitability for the journal.

Tel. 72793919

Ethical Issues

Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is committed to promoting ethical conduct as a scientific publication, and also takes as a reference the principles published by the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors ( https://www.um.es/ead/red/etica_cope.pdf ).

The Editorial Team of the journal Food Science and Technology will ensure that editors, peer reviewers and authors respect ethical principles throughout the editorial process. Below, we detail our standards to the entire academic community.

About authors and authorship:

  • Articles submitted to Food Science and Technology must be original and unpublished.
  • Refrain from multiple/repetitive submissions of articles to different publications or editorials. This is a reprehensible conduct in the dissemination of academic research.
  • Respect the original sources you consult in your article. Bibliographic references should be correctly and completely indicated.
  • Errors in published articles. When the author identifies in his work an error or inaccuracy, he must inform the editorial team of Science and Technology of Aliemntos and provide the necessary information for the corrections.
  • They are committed to reviewing the most current and prominent academic literature on the subject they are investigating.
  • Order the signature of authorship according to the level of responsibility and involvement in the article.

About peer reviewers

  • Report conflicts of interest. When an evaluator or reviewer has any personal or financial opinion or interest that may affect their objectivity in their evaluation, they should refrain from participating in the editorial process.
  • Confidentiality. Once the evaluation process is complete, the reviewer will refrain from divulging what has been read to agents external to Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos.
  • Respect for the times agreed with the magazine. The reviewer has the responsibility to notify the editors in case of any inconvenience to deliver the evaluation on time.

About Publisher Responsibility

  • Honesty. Ensure transparency in the evaluation, editing and publication processes of each issue.
  • Confidentiality. The editorial team will maintain anonymity between reviewers and authors throughout the process.
  • Respond to concerns via email. Inquiries and clarifications requested by authors, reviewers or anyone interested in Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos will be answered promptly.
  • To facilitate corrections. Corrections or corresponding clarifications will be published through the web page of the magazine.
  • Diffusion. The published issue will be disseminated to repositories, databases and social networks.
  • Publishing process. Editors will critically select the most capable reviewers.
  • Quality Assurance: Publishers must take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the material they publish, recognizing that the journals and sections within the journal may have different objectives and standards.

Relations with authors

  • The decisions of editors to accept or reject a document for publication should be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the article, the validity of the study, as well as its relevance to the journal's guidelines.
  • Editors will not revoke decisions to accept jobs unless serious problems are identified with them.
  • New editors should not override decisions made by the previous editor to publish submitted articles, unless serious problems are identified in relation to them.
  • A detailed description of peer review processes should be published and editors should be willing to justify any significant deviation from the processes described.
  • Editors should publish guidelines for authors on all aspects expected of them.
  • Editors should provide guidance on the authorship criteria and/or who should be included as a contributor following the rules within the relevant field.

Addressing Possible Misconduct

  • Editors are required to act if they suspect that any misconduct has occurred or if they receive a report of misconduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished documents.
  • Editors should not simply reject documents that raise doubts about possible misconduct. They have an ethical obligation to pursue the alleged cases.
  • Editors should first try to get a response from suspects of misconduct. If they are dissatisfied with the response, they should urge their employers, the institution to which they belong or some appropriate entity (e.g. a regulatory body or a national organisation that ensures the integrity of the investigation) to initiate a more thorough investigation.
  • Publishers should make every reasonable effort to ensure that a thorough investigation of alleged misconduct is conducted; If this does not happen, publishers should try, by all their means, to find a solution to the problem. This is an onerous but important obligation.

Conflict of interest

  • Editors must have systems to manage their own conflicts of interest, as well as those of their staff, authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board.
  • The journal must have a declared process to manage the deliveries of work by the editors, employees or members of the Editorial Board in order to ensure impartiality in the reviews.

Politics antipirated

In Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos plagiarism is strictly prohibited. First, the authors attest that their articles have not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part from other publications by communication sent at the time of applying for their work to this journal, noting that they are original research.

Secondly, the President of the Editorial Team, members of the Editorial Team and reviewers use web searches using free access tools and anti-plague software to consult similar works, analyze and corroborate the originality of the works received, to determine if the manuscript meets the criteria of originality that the Journal considers necessary.

When evidence is found that compromises the originality of the work, it will be rejected or withdrawn. This can happen at any stage of the evaluation process, even if it has already been published. In this case, a retraction note will be published.

Copyright Notice

Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos is an open access journal, under a Creative Commons license. The magazine allows you to reuse its content according to https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.es.

Grants authors the following permissions:

  • Have full ownership of the copyright without restrictions.
  • Distribute copies, electronic or printed, of the published article to your students or colleagues, as well as permission for other members of your institution to use them for teaching purposes.
  • Reuse part or all of the article in new manuscripts or future books.
  • Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos does not hesitate for the author to place his version, or that published by the journal, on his personal website or in an open-access repository.
  • Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos authorizes other publishing houses or databases to reproduce the original materials published therein, provided that their source is indicated.

Open Access Policy

Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to increase global knowledge exchange.

The submission of manuscripts, their processing and publication are completely free of charge.

Users can freely read, download, copy, distribute, print and share full texts immediately after they are published. This journal meets the following conditions for this statement:

  • It is possible to access the contents published by this journal, freely and universally, at no cost to the reader, through the Internet or any other means;
  • The author or holder of the copyright grants this journal the right to disseminate and distribute the content. This is managed by this journal through a communication that the authors address to the journal when submitting their work.